For the construction of the house, we recommend glulam beams made of spruce and pine for its unique properties.
Today, an increasing number of people prefer eco-friendly housing made of natural wood, preserving the magic of the smell of coniferous forest. In this regard, the spruce and pine glulam log certainly wins – for years it secretes healing phytoncides that have a beneficial effect
on the health and tone of the inhabitants of the house. Unlike
spruce, the smell of pine is brighter. Even the varnished wood fills the house with the aroma of freshly sawn wood, and the resin stands out
as a natural antiseptic.
The structure of the pine massif is unusually colorful, having a pleasant yellowish, reddening shade with time, with well-defined annual layers, which is favorably emphasized when varnishing or coating with a lessiruyuschimi colorful compositions. In spruce log, the color of which is closer to white, the wood texture is more uniform, and there are less visible traces of splice areas, which looks aesthetically pleasing on glulam log with a height of more than 8 in(200 mm).